Další dil God of War series is údajně Bliz. Sony is Zatím zdržela komentáře, ale Sony Santa Monica studio projekt chystá předběžně nazvaný pouze "God of War." Vývojářské studio Sony Santa Monica, které vytvořilo zatím poslední dil God of War series, pracuje dalším na dile. Začátkem mesic proběhly spekulace, Ze is Nové pokračování příběhů antického zabijáka Krat chystá a tentokráte s multiplayerem. Spekulace však nebyly oficiálně potvrzeny.
After God of War Collection, which included the first two games released on PS2 and God of War III, this new collection brings together on one disc opus both appeared on PSP, namely God of War: Chains of Olympus God of War : Ghost of Sparta. Both of these titles developed by Ready at Dawn, which help to shed light on some aspects of the dark past of Kratos, remastered in HD and is compatible with stereoscopic 3D technology, and with the system's PlayStation Network trophies. Ghost of Sparta also has the bonus downloadable content for the portable version and an exclusive video of the creators of the series. The transition from small to big screen is very successful in all except maybe a few cutscenes that are not in 3D. Many will be delighted to enjoy for the first time the colossal work of Ready at Dawn.
Ani tentokráte zpráva nepřišla primary ze Sony jako oficiální Other information. Sony Santa Monica však HLED specialistu pro projekt nazvaný zatím jen God of War. Ve kterém období bude tentokráte Kratos masakrovat nepřátele a monster, is tedy nevi. Kratos is Pokud opravdu v projektu objeví. God of War Ačkoliv bez Krat if LZE jen těžko představit. God of War: Chains of Olympus chronicles the events leading up to the first God of War, when Kratos was still in the service of the gods. The city of Attica is put to fire and sword by the Persian army which has a formidable weapon: a huge basil that strikes terror in the city. Behind this event lies a much darker plot that could lead to literally fall of Olympus. But Kratos is still haunted by visions of his past, and they are much more personal reasons and revenge that will grow to sacrifice everything to stop this machine and save humanity at the same time. With Chains of Olympus, Ready at Dawn has demonstrated its ability to design an episode worthy of the franchise, and there are all elements that have forged the success of the series. Combat is a smooth copy of a powerful dynamic and unprecedented violence. The mini-games of coordination (press the right buttons at the right time to finish your opponents) are always at the rendezvous, and the game also offers you to experience unprecedented powers such as the Solar Shield and Zeus Glove. With hindsight, we can mention, however, that this first episode is relatively short and has a somewhat more limited number of epic battles against guards than usual. Never mind, Chains of Olympus is literally a feat on Sony's portable and deserves just as much a place on the big screen.
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