Download free Recently Updated Minecraft Mods 2013

Download free Recently Updated Minecraft Mods 2013

There's still "a lot to do" on Minecraft Xbox 360 update 12, 4J Studios has announced, but the developer has managed to snip off a quick screenie of the redesigned Tutorial World, which you'll find below. Chimney Mod [Forge] Now 1.5.2! (A new decoration for your home!)

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Latest round-up of the most exciting features that remain to be ported over from Minecraft on PC. The developer is in discussions with Microsoft and Mojang to enable save transfers to Minecraft Xbox One, which it'll support alongside the current gen version.  Minecraft XBOX 360 Edition Full & Free
Ever wanted to play Minecraft XBOX 360 Edition, the full version along with the latest updates? Well, you came to the right place. Your XBOX is modded and you're afraid you're going to get caught by Microsoft while roaming the marketplace, ja? To start, there's a couple of things that you need;

1. A brain.

2. At least a 1 GB USB

3. An XBOX 360 console

4. Horizon (google it and download it, don't worry it's free.)

Follow these steps and you'll be fine;

1. Download Horizon, and MC XBOX 360 Edition

MC XBOX DL link (aye, the file name is like 49D66Dgfgj, supposed to be like that):

2. Configure your USB with your xbox (system settings>>storage)

3. Insert your USB into your computer.

4. Boot up horizon, skip the news stuff, no one gives a damn about it.

5. Drag the MC XBOX 360 Edition downloaded file into Horizon.

6. Then, click Transfer to flash drive.

7. Gratz'! You now have MC XBOX 360 Edition. BUT - read below if you want the latest version.

You know it's damn boring playing with the old textures, and there's not even pumpkins,creative mode. So as a bonus, Ima' show ya guys how to update your minecraft to the LATEST version as well! No, you don't have to do the bullshitty surveys stating that ''OH HEYZ DIS IZ DA NEWEST VERZEEON OF MC DO DA SURVEY U GET FREE MC''. Nope. This one doesn't require a single fucking annoying survey.

1. You go to, search for Minecraft XBOX.

2. Download the newest TU according to your region.

3. After you're done downloading, drag the downloaded file to your Horizon, like you did earlier.

4. And save file to flash drive.


Now, plug your USB into your XBOX and transfer both the update and MC XBOX Edition to your console. Then, run the game and enjoy 
Hello and welcome to the awsome [Sushicraft] mod!
This is my tenth mod and I'm very proud to say that this mod is freaking awsome!
I worked hard that YOU guys can have an awsome adventure with mymod.
I hope you'll enjoy it ;).

If some sky does minecraft fans are out there, tell sky the mod is updated and I have a suprise for him ;)!

Ok in the following Line include:
The installation guide;
The link to the wiki;
The instruction of this mod;
The link to my website; 
The donate button;
The Credits;
The Copyright;


For client:

1, Open my mod Folder with a programm of your choice(Winrar/WinZip/etc.)

2, Search for %appdata%. Then open in the roaming folder .minecraft.

3, You should find another folder called 'bin inside of the  .minecraft folder'. In this folder you should find minecraft.jar . Open it up with winrar or winZip.

4, Install Forge modloader. After you have done that drop my mods folder from (English/into the minecraft mods folder/ into mods (.minecraft/mods)

5, Drop all the files from (English/into minecraft jar) into the minecraft.jar!

6, ! IMPORTANT ! Be sure that you really have deleted the META-INF folder!

7, Enjoy the awsome mod!

For server:

1, Open my mod Folder with a programm of your choice(Winrar/WinZip/etc.)

2, Go into your server Folder and search for minecraft-server.jar or however you named it.

3, Install Forge (from here: ~*~ Forge ~*~) then drop my mod Folder from (English/Server) into the mods Folder (after you launched minecraft-server.jar (with forge installed) the system will automatic create a folder called mods).

4, !IMPORTANT! Don't delete the Meta-Inf of the server or it will crash to 100%! 

5, Have fun with the mod and your friends!

7, By any bugs please tell me about it in the comment section and I'll fix it for you.
    So you can have much fun again for hours over hours with my mod :)!

The wiki is still in procress! So be sure that you check every week if it is done. This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.

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