Mac download stores: Amazon Mac Download

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 app store, mac app store, download mac app, app store download, app store downloadThere's a reason Apple trademarked the signature phrase "there's an app for that." With apps for social networking, managing finances, and mobile fart machines, it's undeniable that there are oodles of apps on the market. Accordingly, the Apple App Store has reportedly just reached more than 500,000 approved apps for the iOS devices.

Apple allegedly crossed the milestone early Tuesday morning, and mobile app blog 148apps, blog search service Chomp, and game developer Chillingo issued an infographic highlighting some interesting apps. According to the graphic, there are 85,569 developers working on iOS apps; the average price of a paid app is $3.64, while 37 percent of apps are free. Today, Amazon launched the Mac Download Store. This new venue offers hundreds of software and games for Macs, and this directly challenges Apple's own Mac store.

Amazon's offerings undercut Apple's products with lower prices. A search in the Apple website for Microsoft Office Home & Student 2011 Family Pack will yield a $149.99 price. The same program is being offered on the Amazon page for $115.00 for immediate download. Apple will ship the program to you. Five months after Apple launched its own Mac App Store selling Mac-only software, Amazon has followed suit with the unveiling of its own similar store.

The opening of Amazon’s Mac Download Store, which happened with little fanfare but was picked up on by The Loop, is the first time that the company has brought all of its Mac software titles together under the same roof. And it’s wasting no time in getting down to business, offering many titles at a better price than found on Apple’s own Mac App Store.

To further entice customers, the e-commerce giant is offering the Airport Mania game for free through June 1 (usual price $6.99), as well as a $5 discount on any Mac game or software purchase, also through June 1. Interestingly, some big titles, such as Microsoft Office, are available in Amazon’s Mac Download Store but not in Apple’s Mac App Store. Amazon claims to have around 250 of the biggest software and games titles for the Mac in its new store. Just like Apple's Mac App Store, which is how the company sells both its own and third-party Mac software, Amazon users can re-download applications if they somehow misplace the file. However, unlike Apple's offering, there is no mechanism to keep applications up to date — something Amazon has left up to software makers. Some applications are also bundled with DRM or serial number authentication, the latter of which is not a concern on the Mac App Store. Amazon has launched a Mac Download Store to go alongside its online app outlet, theloop reports. The service will compete directly with Apple’s Mac Store, with Amazon claiming it has 250 software and game titles available for the Mac.
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Spanish social network Tuenti is planning to open to foreign users in the five-year-old company’s first attempt to grow outside its home country, says Bloomberg. The Telefonica-owned invitation-only site has 11m users  and will begin accepting registrations from outside Spain as early as next week.
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