Minecraft how to became Minecraft 1.1 in Maine

 You KNOW Minecraft, this game became very famous on the net has become the best selling independent game, creativity, the universe and the creatures cubic (Especially the creeper) are the recipes for success Minecraft.

Well there's the story:
I discovered the game through my research on the net or the Internet is strongly advised me this game, saying it's fun, creative and full of ideas, they showed me on the videos to start in the game , get used to it and show me mobs (or mods) and other tricks of the game to help me.
I downloaded the game then and there.

A mob was already installed with the game

His name was MineBlood.

The name reminds me of something, but nothing weird.

I open a world as usual.

I make my house, objects, etc., etc. ....

But at some point, things start to become strange, the sky turned red, there's fewer animals, I miss things and I feel someone is following me.

I continue as usual, but I always feel What follows me, I am confused and I turn smoothly.

A creeper, but his face is scary, kind of a disfigured face, I try to flee the coup, but my character hangs, it is the large eyes, he was afraid of the creeper, or perhaps something else.

But this was not the creeper, it is quite another thing, he turned his head and appeared automatically Herobrine motionless.

A creepy detail: Herobrine's eyes are supposed to be white, but now his eyes were red with blood coming

My character would do the same thing, so I wanted to move to avoid that is doing this.

I was moving, but he also controlled.

A message appears:

"Would you commit suicide?"

In the background, the world could see my character or who wanted to commit suicide by trying to make a sword, surely to kill himself.

I wanted to put "No" to the message, but it has "Yes" alone, before I click.

The game goes, I go into my inventory and there.

What the fuck?!

Only to the sword that was made by my character, nothing else, only that, all other objects have disappeared!

I freaking more, but I turn off the game

He goes off successfully, phew!

I'm going on a forum and I propose to play with friends on MineBlood.

I found some friends, we will therefore MineBlood and ....

We all flippés

Our characters have become zombies!

And chat, meet friends the same thing:

"I have a sword!"

I said to them:

"Hello to the suicide of your character: '("

And then the worst happened, our people want to commit suicide (it was already tried by my character before).

Our characters automatically stir, they went to Hero brine.

Our characters were down, we can move them.

And they took out their swords and planted it in their belly, something odd that is not yet present in the game: kinematics showed the corpse of characters with this text:

"You know, I developed this to show you that suicide is still hesitant, you do it differently, like all types of suicide that you saw.

More "

Y'avait not the creator's name, only the text and the corpse of the characters.

We tried to leave, but the corpse of the characters was still there.

Classical music Minecraft is there, but slower with notes that bungling every 2 seconds.

This music is boring, as the kinematics.

The text was scary, never seen that on an indie game.

We tried to several times, but it was the same, always the same.

It continues, and there.

Windows asks us if we want to leave "Minecraft".

It is "Yes", but ...

Blue Screen of Death!

I rest a while before the computer and ....

The blue screen disappeared.

I restart my computer, a bug in Windows displays an error written in Japanese (I have translated as the Japanese letters do not work):

"You are soon dead."

Oh my god ....

The screen interface to select the user turned red.

I click on my profile and ...

I freaked 4m of the computer

The startup noise, but distorted and morbid!

My picture showed the corpse of personal!

I'll go change my wallpaper, this corpse is a nightmare!

But as for the inventory in the game, there's the image of the corpse.

I could not delete it, Windows would not.

I return to the forum and to be told everything.

I explained the blue screen, the body of personal, etc., etc..

A Newbie:

"There you have it or download, it's a fake site, a copy of the official website which was also a success for them, everyone who download it on the fake site will have the same story, same old story but we will soon be satisfied, the site will be deleted after identification, history will be relived for a few moments

The corpse of Minecraft is a ghost haunting the virus that there is the blue screen of the virus, it causes a change morbid making Windows "effayant".

This release does not name Minecraft but MineBlood itself, moreover, the title is:

"Blood of Mine"

Here's an explanation

Delete your game, and next time, download the real game and you will be at the bright side, you'll love the real re-Minecraft.

+ You, contact Microsoft about MineBlood, blue screen and the wallpaper. ;) "

I contacted Microsoft and Mojang, Notch and identified MineBlood Micro 'to try to remove the wallpaper, but ...

Nothing was, nothing could be deleted.

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