Call of Duty Black Ops 2 advocates a revolution

Controversial, popular, vilified, adored ... Call of Duty does not leave anyone indifferent, and his new delivery is attracting interest throughout the currency of the game thanks to its recent announcement. Accused of lack of innovation traditionally, Black Ops II advocates a revolution that will give us the most groundbreaking Call of Duty from Modern Warfare.
The mere mention of the words Call of Duty makes us tremble with pleasure to some and hate others. We talked about the most popular series of interactive entertainment in recent times, and also one of the most savagely denigrated by certain groups of fans due to some issues that have so far limited popularity. What have been? Its annual has begun to take its first signs of exhaustion in Modern Warfare 3, although for some sectors and innovation was missing for years, and high retail prices of products and downloadable content have traditionally released for the IP have also had a rowdy reception.

How to win a better reputation? With a radical change. Or at least I understood Treyarch, the studio that deliveries for the series develops parallel to Infinity Ward, and two years ago and gave us the first Black Ops a military action game in first person truly outstanding and very risky since narrative point of view. But if that game was brave in some respects, the jump will occur with its sequel goes far beyond what seemed to indicate mere change in the numbering.

At the moment, and how could it be otherwise, the details are known about the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 are really scarce. In recent days had leaked numerous details such as your name or your hypothetical futuristic it was finally confirmed, but Activision has managed to keep closely guarded the secrets of your gaming experience. Therefore, and based on the few certainties that surround it, so we will carry out our Imagining Black Ops II.


Treyarch: Founded in 1996
Number of Employees: 250
Precedent Project: Die by the Sword, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Spider-Man (2001), Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops.

While Treyarch has done a number of video games for Activision as a studio subsidiary of the U.S. company is the only truth is that in regard to the Call of Duty brand have always lived in the shadow of Infinity Ward. They were commissioned in 2005 to carry out the remarkable Call of Duty 2: Big Red One for consoles and sheltered from the success of the second installment of PC carried out by its "competitors" within Activision, and from Call of Duty 3 who developed a year later and joined the annual delivery cycle alternate with the other study. Its staff remained oblivious to the flight of talent from Infinity Ward in 2010 and have since developed Call of Duty: Black Ops and now preparing the second installment of that.


· Make bets on a change in the context of the series: Atmosphere futuristic 2025.
· The single player campaign will feature non-linear elements, we will be the son of Alex Mason.
· Confirmed the presence of zombies, described as the most ambitious so far.

Many still remember the commotion that arose when it was announced the first Modern Warfare, and with it, changing the setting of a franchise that had been characterized by lots of exciting arcade war on the Second World War. The first Call of Duty delved into the only context that seemed suitable for FPS war of the time, but with the fourth installment of Infinity Ward guys paved the way for the industry in tackling contemporary periods. Will it happen the same with Black Ops II? It seems obvious that its impact is all but impossible to be similar, despite the injection of innovation to a saga traditionally accused of lack of it also seems more than obvious.

The single player campaign, on the other hand, has been one of the traditional strengths of the products of Treyarch, and in this regard will be offering a series of absolute novelties for the IP. This is a story mode that has been described by its makers as "nonlinear" in what will be a severe change from the strict linearity enormous fees which has always characterized the franchise. Currently there are further specified what this nuance will be screened and how this freedom, although progress has been made to be different in what it does storytellers that has been tradition in the IP. Moreover, and ending with the playable side, the leaders also have advanced again to be a zombie mode and it will be "the largest and most ambitious to date."


· A level history of the Black Ops 2 that takes advantage of the futuristic
· Injection of developments with the new context.
· New multiplayer mode that will revolutionize seen so far.

The first thing that catches the attention of Call of Duty: Black Ops II, as is obvious, the change of background that leads to the series through 2025, and here begins the game of expectations. Obviously not change a formula that works, that of contemporary warfare, if you have big changes on the horizon that warrant, and in this sense we assume that Treyarch aim is to fight the constant criticism by conformity and continuity that often plague the last episodes of the franchise. The story of intrigue seems to return to the fore after the success reaped the powerful indent of the first Black Ops, set in the Cold War, remember, but this time it seems even more enhanced with a new narrative that will address later in the challenges . We will be David Mason, the son of Alex Mason starred in the first installment, and we'll see some of the characters of that as Frank Woods, properly aged by the time course.

On the other hand also is among the wishes of the fans give a new twist to the multiplayer aspect. In this sense Lamia Mark himself has acknowledged in a recent interview with the portal Ausgamers they know that fans "want new ways to experience and enjoy it, but at the same time maintaining the essence they know." In this sense, the expectation is to achieve a multiplayer that has the right balance between the novel and the familiar. According to its leaders, if we like the multiplayer of Call of Duty is going to love the Black Ops II, but said that will "bring to the table new things that are going to love it." And do not speak only about the future of which we speak, as they explain imagine "merely weapons, optics, and added technology to the battlefield" and that will actually drill down "on a new gameplay that we will provide Now we have a new fiction on which to work. "

· Snap to the well known formula of IP drones, vehicles, futuristic weapons ...
· To introduce the series a risky non-linear narrative.
· Intent to surprise to break the conservative rate of annual installments.

The challenges of delivery of Call of Duty are maximum delivery after delivery, however when we talk about introducing a new era comes to an ultimate challenge. Black Ops II will involve not only the first game of the series of futuristic, 2025 to be exact, but which will perhaps introduce stronger variants in a gaming experience that has remained all but unchanged since deliveries set in World War II. We know that there will be drones which pilot, innovative weapons to shoot and armored vehicles futuristic as flying both of which probably (and knowing the tradition of Treyarch) can also take control. How entroncará all in the franchise? We assume that with a strong intention on the part of those responsible to bring a spirit cooler and varied the gaming experience.

Moreover, the Call of Duty brand in the past was characterized by brief and narrative threads provide very linear for their individual campaigns. Despite that Treyarch has not yet decided to delve into the details, they have advanced from this moment that Black Ops II fight to avoid precisely this spirit something corseted from its precedents. To do opt for a non-linear narrative told by several characters in which are expected to make decisions that affect their passage: a challenge for a first-person shooter of his prism and proportions. They have also said that what the campaign is seeking to surprise the fans with plenty of "twists and dramatic effects" in seeking to preserve the most absolute secrecy until the program is launched.

Having overcome the initial impact of changing historical backdrop for the new Call of Duty, begins the moment the fan begins to imagine what will give him the next installment in the saga of war Activision. Under normal conditions, and maintaining contemporary setting would be much easier, but Treyarch has opted for a healthy spirit breaker with this new release, one that seeks to surprise fans at each and every one of the sections of the program. In this respect the year 2025 will have direct implications for an individual campaign, moreover, will assume the same levels of frenzy and speed of previous episodes. As we saw in the first trailer of the future weapons will alternate with a few scenarios that can go a long way with the changes brought in by the unprecedented context.

Moreover we have already hinted that it is quite likely that vehicles driving missions, which seems to make the video clip shown in a scene which seemed to suggest that handling a drone attack. The Call of Duty Treyarch have always been characterized by small streams enter-vehicle, so it seems quite feasible to assume that perhaps this scene is not the only one that breaks with the FPS scheme of the program. Furthermore, and following the break, we can dream of a Call of Duty finally end the stigma of absolute linearity of the series. It is increasingly common for first-person shooters look strong identity aspects that make them transcend from the extensive collection of the genre, and in this sense to offer a story mode where you have option to choose the way forward sounds fascinating. So imagine the history of Black Ops II with specific points of the campaign where our decisions make sense and, above all address, a story that it was announced enjoy several branches.
Ultimately we have two of the sections that are common workhorse for critics and defenders of Call of Duty: Graphics and multiplayer. The first, in fact, has traditionally been criticized for its lack of evolution delivery after delivery in recent years. It seems that this release will do away with the poor performance of an engine that seemed to have already given their best times in the past, and is that what has been seen in the trailer aims not only to treatment of the faces really good but also a technological and aesthetic section much more powerful. Ultimately what on-line will almost certainly be a mainstay of the experience as it has always been under the brand: The way the zombies will yield great joys in a maximum stress of hands of those responsible for maximize your fun and, in turn, the competitive modes are so far an unknown but sure to be hugely popular.

Reasons to dream

· Injection innovation through a surprising change of context.
· New annual delivery of one of the major market franchises.
· Mechanical shooter that debuted with the new era
· One way zombies described as "the most ambitious" to date.
· An opportunity to Treyarch been claimed as a studio.
· History of different narrators and nonlinear elements.
· Progress chart. Necessary after the stagnation of recent deliveries.
· A new multiplayer cope once again the popularity ratings.
· Sequences approaches piloting vehicles striking.

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