The Great Escape's gameplay is surprisingly varied, but it's a stealth action game at its core. You control your character from the third-person perspective, and you have a standard assortment of basic moves to facilitate sneaking past the ubiquitous Nazi guards. You can vary your walking speed or crouch to move around silently, and you have a "stealth camera" that lets you look around corners, over boxes, and even through keyholes to see what the guards are up to. You can also punch enemies or choke them from behind, but doing so is pretty awkward and can often backfire, leading to your capture. When alerting a single guard means you have to start the mission over, you want to keep to the shadows as much as possible. Though The Great Escape is a console-style action game, and it appears to have been developed primarily with consoles in mind, it plays perfectly fine on the PC in terms of control. As you'd expect, it supports standard gamepads, and it even handles relatively well with a mouse and keyboard. However, the added precision of the mouse offers both an advantage and a disadvantage: Though you can aim more accurately in the combat portions than with an analog stick, you're not given as much auto-aim assistance as in the console versions, so you have to do more of the work yourself.
Unfortunately, when compared with the best games in the stealth genre like the PC's reigning champ, Splinter Cell, the gameplay in The Great Escape doesn't hold up very well. For one thing, it never seems like your sneaking has much of a point--the stealth missions mostly degenerate into glorified fetch quests. Sneaking from point A to point B, then back to point A, then to point C just to grab some trivial items and throw a couple of switches can be pretty uninteresting. The game's stealth wouldn't be so bad if the guard AI were a little more realistic, but sometimes you'll end up getting caught for no discernible reason, while at other times you'll be able to sneak past a guard that has a direct line of sight to your position. To make matters worse, you're limited to three saves per level, which you'd expect would make the game more challenging. It does, but at the cost of introducing a lot of repetition--when you can get caught at the drop of a hat, you'll be repeating large portions of the missions over and over until you've figured out exactly how to evade the guards' search patterns. Occasionally the gameplay and level design will come together and you'll encounter a sneaking segment that's pretty cool, but these bits are too few and too minor to rescue The Great Escape's stealth missions from the otherwise pervasive tedium.
Most gamers are unlikely to have seen The Great Escape (unless there are more Steve McQueen fans than we thought), so the appeal of the movie license may have little to no impact at all for the game. But having seen the movie is not necessarily a requirement since the movie's plot is delivered through FMVs and by your in-game actions. But is The Great Escape a game worthy of not only its movie license, but of the fabulous Steve McQueen? Well, that all depends on how much you like The Great Escape film.
Stealth is the name of the game, most of the time. A typical mission consists of sneaking around, reaching an objective point, then heading to a new objective point. Sometimes these objectives are hidden under a mask of details to make them seem more exciting than they are, but it's plainly obvious that the gameplay rarely changes. One of the biggest problems with the stealth aspects of The Great Escape is the fact that there's no explicit way to determine how hidden you are. Hiding in the shadows is supposed to help, as does keeping your distance from enemies, but oftentimes when you think you are in the clear, enemies spot you. Maybe it's more realistic, but this is a game, and certain measures need to be taken to ensure that the gameplay is balanced and fun.
But the entire game is not stealth-based. There are some more action-like scenes, as well as instances that involve vehicular transportation. Whenever the situation calls for shooting and blowing things up, the game is a bit more bearable, but the surface enjoyment quickly fades. As for driving trucks or motorcycles, or even manning a gun in an airplane, the controls come in and ruin the day. The feel behind the wheels just doesn't feel right and maneuvering around becomes an exercise in frustration. This makes recreating some of the more exciting scenes from the movie a lot less, um, exciting.
The way each mission begins is with an FMV cinema. Certain plot elements are revealed, and it's your job to complete the goals at hand. And while stealing an ID from a guard, getting it copied, and then returning it may sound tense and adventurous, those feelings are never there. The pacing of each mission feels off, and being a game based on a movie, you'd think some attention would be paid to how each mission plays out. A good movie is logically and evenly paced, a game, movie license or not, should capture that same balance. Unfortunately, The Great Escape does not.

Then there comes the AI. With a game structure and design like the one in The Great Escape, a good AI system should be implemented. While you're sneaking around camps, stealing vehicles, and infiltrating depots, if the enemies are either too stupid or inhumanly smart, what's the point, right? There is a situation in the game where you can sneak up behind a guard and strangle him. Walking clearly in his peripheral vision was not a problem. Then, punching, and then missing, did nothing to alert the guard to our presence. Other times, the extreme opposite would be true. Not good. Not good at all.
So is the The Great Escape a terrible game? Well, it definitely has its share of problems. But, it does have certain features going for it, namely the movie license and the scenarios in general. Big fans of the movie may get a kick out of the game and might be able to look past its more glaring issues. Also, for that group of gamers that always wanted to play P.O.W. but didn't have the chance, The Great Escape offers up similar gameplay.
Thankfully there are a few other types of gameplay in the game to break up the stealth action, though none of them are really valuable as more than diversions. The first level, which takes place on a damaged bomber, has you jumping in a rear turret and fending off incoming fighter planes for a bit. You'll also get to ride a few vehicles during some missions, such as an APC you can plow through enemy soldiers with. The last two missions even see you playing Hilts as he rides a motorcycle to freedom amid a hail of Nazi bullets. Finally, some missions abandon the stealth model in favor of all-out action, but the combat is incredibly clunky when you first get to try it several missions into the game. You can get the hang of it eventually--the trick is that you have to let your character stop moving long enough to auto-target a nearby enemy--but even when you've gotten better at it, it's only mildly entertaining. As a PC port of a console game, The Great Escape looks about like you'd expect it to. It's certainly the best-looking version among the three (the game is also available on the PS2 and Xbox), which is what you'd expect, considering that most high-end PCs have superior graphics hardware. The PC version features higher resolutions, a better frame rate, and a few more graphical details than the console versions, but the actual visual content remains unchanged--it basically has the same textures and low-detail models as the console versions. In other words, the game looks fairly solid but not nearly as impressive as other modern PC games that are designed specifically for that platform. Film buffs should at least appreciate the fact that the Steve McQueen character in the game does in fact look like Steve McQueen. The sound is actually pretty high-quality, as it uses snippets from the film score, and the voices are generally well acted and appropriate for the parts. The presentation of the game is decent; it's just a shame the gameplay that backs it up isn't as enjoyable as it could be.
Overall, The Great Escape is merely an OK game that could have been a lot better. Perhaps if the developers had focused more on the stealth part of the game and less on the other aspects, we'd have a game that's less varied but more fun to play. As it is, The Great Escape may be fun for die-hard fans of the film, but if you're just looking for a good action game, or even a good World War II action game, you could do better.
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